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BPCOA Membership
Welcome to Buffalo Point! As a cottage/home owner we would like to tell you about our Association and encourage you to belong to an organization that works to make Buffalo Point a wonderful and welcoming community.
BPCOA is recognized as the legal representative of the cottage/home owners at Buffalo Point.
The primary objective of BPCOA is to promote and protect the interests and rights of the member cottage/home owners at Buffalo Point.
The role of BPCOA is further described under the Role Tab of this website.
BPCOA membership is open to all cottage/home owners at Buffalo Point upon payment of the required membership fees.
Our membership fees are currently $50 Cdn for first time members and $20 Cdn annually thereafter.
All BPCOA Board and Committee members are volunteers. Board members are elected at an annual meeting which is typically held on the third Sunday of May (Canadian May long weekend). Board members typically serve two year terms. Updates on outstanding issues, a financial report, information on scheduled events, current membership of Committees and new issues raised by the membership are also covered at the annual meeting.
BPCOA is involved in and supports community events which are of interest to its membership and attract the requisite volunteer support. Currently an annual ice fishing derby is held each March.
BPCOA also supports community recreational initiatives. Historically BPCOA made a significant financial contribution and provided labour for the construction of the Picnic Shelter at Fawnway Park. Currently BPCOA has funds set aside from profits on the ice fishing derby for a financial contribution to new playground equipment at Fawnway Park when that project proceeds.
It is important that BPCOA has up-to-date member contact information. Please notify us at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any changes to report or if you are not receiving our regular e-mail updates. This will ensure we can contact you in a timely manner with meeting notifications, meeting minutes and our regular news letter which includes a listing of upcoming events.